5 Quotes & Sayings By Edgar Cayce

Edgar Monroe Cayce (July 18, 1877 – January 3, 1945) was an American psychic and trance medium who provided consultations to his clients by means of a form of hypnotic regression. His readings were considered to be accurate and profound after the fact, and he published over 100 volumes on subjects related to health, philosophy, religion, metaphysics, and cosmology. The readings are detailed in the book The Story Of Edgar Cayce.

Dreams are today's answers to tomorrow's questions.
Dreams are today's answers to tomorrow's questions. Edgar Cayce
Keep the body - or keep the mind, and it will keep the body! - in a constructive manner. That is, think the pleasant things, even when the outlook may be the darkest. Do not allow the little things that are hindrances make for irritating, or to hurt the feelings. For naturally the body is sensitive to feelings of others, through the overflow of those activities in the sympathetic system. But know that God is! Know that He protects those who put their trust in Him; that what is necessary will be supplied thee if ye will keep joyous, keep happy, keep in that way of constructive forces throughout! . Edgar Cayce
As the soul seeks, then, for that which is the sustenance of the body–as what the food is to a developing, a growing body, so are the words of truth (which are life, which are love, which are God) sought that make for growth, even as the digesting of the material things in a body make for a growth. This growth may not be felt in the consciousness of materialization. It is experienced by the consciousness of the soul.. Feed, then, upon the fruits of the spirit. Love, hope, joy, mercy, long-suffering, brotherly love, and the contact, the growth, will be seen; and within the consciousness of the soul will the awareness come of the personality of the God in thee! . Edgar Cayce
There is progress whether ye are going forward or backward! The thing is to move! Edgar Cayce